Monday, September 27, 2010

Apple treats!

Oh, the apples came early this year! We have three trees, and luckily for us, they were ready to pick on three separate weekends. That allowed me to make smaller batches of apple sauce, apple butter, and some of our favorite pastry treats.

Applesauce and apple butter

Sour cream apple pie

Apple cake

Crumb topping for fruit pies


Roxan said...

Mmm apples and apple season! Do you like honeycrisp apples? those are my favorite and should be in season any day now. (they have a pretty short season, for apples)

Cyndi L said...

I do like them a lot! And the other apple that I'm absolutely nuts over is the macoun. Also a very short season.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

Oh yummy. I love apple pastries - unfortunately for my waistline. I don't think I've tried macoun apples. Are they good for baking?

I'm probably dating myself, but I look for Granny Smiths.

Cyndi L said...

I actually think that Granny Smiths are a bit better for baking. Macouns are fairly new on the can bake with them, but they take a bit longer than some other apples to cook through.